Yoga is a mental, or inner, discipline that unites the body, mind and spirit.

First and foremost, yoga is a mental or inner, discipline that unites the body, mind and spirit. It is a 5,000-year-old tradition that involves 8 steps (or limbs) with the ultimate goal of living in the light of our true nature. Among the 8 elements of yoga, the most widely practiced is asana which is the physical (posture) aspect of yoga. This ancient art teaches one to focus and generate energy into different parts of the body. Its true essence is not the attainment of a perfect expression of any given pose, but how you approach the process. It is about the journey and not the destination, always.

Yoga is all about the balance between control and surrender. It’s about developing the ability to listen to the body’s messages, knowing when to push and let go so the energy can move you. It’s important to be aware of your limits, wherever and whatever they may be. 

There are many styles of asana (yoga). In many traditional styles, poses can be static and held for a few seconds (sometimes minutes) allowing time to adjust for alignment, giving space for emotions to arise and noticing them.  Long holds can also help build strength and stabilize the mind and body.   


Yoga is all about the balance
between control and surrender.


A non-traditional style of yoga, Yoga Narada (formerly known as Yoga for Dancers) is a flowing Taoist approach to achieving aesthetically pleasing lines and form through breath inspired movements. Working from the inside out, the movements progress through specific breath work, influenced by principles in Hatha and Kundalini yoga, stimulating the nervous system. Positions are not held but repeated in fluid undulation that gently releases any tension in the body, both mental and physical. Guided by inspired imagery and rhythm, the movements flow naturally in progression from seated, lying and standing sequences. 

While a regular practice of asana postures yield many benefits, such as better health and greater vitality, its true purpose is to prepare the body for the sitting practice of meditation. Only in this meditative state that total clarity of awareness and peace of mind becomes possible.

Action is movement with intelligence. The world is filled with movement. What the world needs is more conscious movement, more action.
— B.K.S. Iyengar