A holistic approach to health that looks at the body as a whole system.

Quantum Biofeedback therapy is a holistic approach to health that looks at the body as a whole system. It focuses not on the symptoms that may appear on the surface but on finding the root cause of any health issues a person may have.  It is used to optimize body and self awareness towards health and healing.  

How?  Through electrical sensors that monitor the body’s physiological states.  The information gathered is fed back to the body through subtle electrical signals.  It is painless and most people don’t even feel it.  Our body has a natural ability to heal itself and Biofeedback enhances this by entrainment process that teaches you to get in touch with your body, brain and emotions. 


Some of the many physical and mental health issues that Biofeedback Training can help with are:


✦   Anxiety or stress

✦   Asthma

✦   ADHD

✦   Chemo side effects

✦   Chronic Pain

✦   Constipation

✦   Incontinence

✦   Fibromyalgia

✦   Headache

✦   High blood pressure

✦   Irritable Bowel Syndrome

✦   Raynaud's disease

✦   Tinnitus

✦   Stroke

✦   TMJ


Biofeedback is also an excellent training tool for optimizing athletic performance.  Many athletes use biofeedback training to help enhance reaction speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination, emotion regulation, oxygenation stimulation and mind-body focus.  See specifications of the device here.


Biofeedback Combined with Metaphysics

There are 64 codons in our DNA which has two strands of nucleotides.  There are 64 hexagrams in the I-Ching (Book of Changes) with the same binary pattern as Yin and Yang.  Our genetic code is made up of four bases; each has an amino acid and forms a codon.  Our birth chart has four pillars (hour, day, month and year) with each pillar having a corresponding amino acid.  

My teacher in Singapore, Sonia Chong, has established a correlation between the 64 codons and the 64 hexagrams sharing the same coding.  She has then figured out the algorithm and created a software program that determines the amino acids, organs, emotions, chakra and acupuncture points that are relevant and unique to each person based on our birth chart.  We use this report, Sonia Chong’s BaZi Genetic Code (SCBGC), as the basis for the Biofeedback training sessions, in addition to addressing signature items that are out of balance in a person’s body.  By triggering these acupuncture points (based on one’s birth chart) and signature items, we can proactively address and maintain the health of these vulnerable areas to prevent future imbalances.  When the body is in balance, the immune system remains strong and ready to fight off any potential illnesses.




What else can it do?

The highly sophisticated Biofeedback device, QuEx Ed, also has a Beauty Program called Senso.  This non-invasive Anti-Aging treatment uses microcurrent therapy that activates the skins natural anti-aging effect.  

Microcurrent is an electric current delivered at a rate of 1 microampere, which is a very low level and completely harmless, so the client feels perfectly comfortable.  The current boosts blood circulation and collagen production as well as helps the body heal damaged tissues and remove toxins.  By stimulating cell growth, it can ultimately resurface the skin, filling wrinkles and lifting it, pain free.


Remote Energy Healing

Albert Einstein said that “Everything is connected into this one infinite field of energy that we call the Universe, so if everything is energy, that means everything is governed by the same laws of energy.”  

The QuEx Ed Biofeedback device works on the principle of quantum physics where everything is interconnected.  Every person has a unique time stamped signature like a thumb print.  We were born at a specific time and place which creates that signature.  Once a practitioner inputs a person’s geographic location (latitude/longitude), mobile phone number, date and location of birth, a photo, and all relevant information, the device has the capability to locate a person in the same way you would tune into a radio station.  It uses the same satellite system as a computer uses to locate a lost cell phone.  Once located, the device can send and receive information, transmitting the appropriate frequencies as an energetic healing.


Some of the many physical and mental health issues that Biofeedback Training can help with are:


✦   Non-invasive

✦   Reduce or eliminate the need for medication.

✦   May be a treatment alternative for those who cannot tolerate medication for their conditions.

✦   An option when medications have not worked well.

✦   An alternative to medications for some conditions during pregnancy.

✦   Helps people take charge of their health.

Little by little through patience and repeated effort; the mind will become stilled in the Self.
— Bhagavad Gita