After graduating with a business degree from Suffolk University, I entered directly into a stable 9-5 job in the Financial Services sector.
I had a very positive introduction to movement and fitness and became an avid Pilates student before studying to become a teacher. Even when I began teaching mat Pilates at Healthworks, I was still working full-time at Mellon Bank. However, I quickly saw the difference I could make in other people’s lives by assisting them with their health rather than with their wealth. That’s when I decided to turn my passion into a new career, becoming a full-time Pilates instructor at Mt. Auburn Club in 2003.
In order to serve a wider population, I started the Gyrotonic Expansion Tower training. I became certified in Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis, as well as in Jumping Stretching Board and the Leg Extension Unit.
Different interests have increased my breadth of knowledge and experience – from meditation and the Yogaworks Method (a blend of Ashtanga and Iyengar) to Meridien Yoga, TRX, Thai Yoga massage, and Feng Shui. Today, my extensive training in different movement modalities enables me to help clients understand their unique needs. While I feel equipped to serve my clients, I continue to educate myself because I feel our learning is never complete.