Adaptation + Wellbeing in the face of Change, Stress, and Uncertainty (COVID-19 Response)

We are all being asked for greater fluidity and adaptation to adjust to daily life in this moment of major shifting across the globe, and I wanted to reach out and check in. Remember that it is okay and encouraged to honor, feel, and sit with each emotion that arises during this period, whether that’s fear, anxiety, loneliness, or even peace and perhaps joy. I’d like to take a moment to thank you for all of your hard work and dedication during this time and at all times, and to thank you for taking responsibility of your own health as well as staying mindful of your effect on those around you. 

With this period of isolation, we can easily fall off track with daily routines and rituals, especially as they are being forced to shift, but now is more important than ever to continue our work on individual and collective well-being. There are five areas that we can focus on: body, mind, spirit, relationships and purpose. It may feel as though our world is in complete chaos right now, but chaos is actually just disorganized order. Allow me to remind you that we do have the power to bring order back in our own little world by taking care of the first three — body, mind, spirit, and nurturing the last two — our relationships and purpose.   

Now is a great time to assess what has been working for you in all these areas of your life. What feels good and doesn’t feel good? What feels right? We can take the shifting times as an opportunity to create new routines that are more in alignment with ourselves and our wellbeing. Here are some tips for what we can focus on while building or refreshing a feel-good routine:


Consistent movement or exercise. Staying active is the best way to boost your endorphins, which helps manage stress and anxiety. Most importantly, develop a movement practice that you truly enjoy, because the only way that a new habit will stick is if you actually do enjoy doing it. Find a corner in your home that you resonate with and practice yoga or even just some stretching. Fresh air and nature are one of our greatest allies and gifts. Cherish some moments outdoors in the company of budding trees and bursts of dewy green slowly making their way back into the natural world around us. Solitary walks and even just taking some deep breaths outdoors can bring much clarity and ease throughout body and spirit, helping to facilitate the connection and awareness between these five areas of wellbeing. With self-isolation in place, now would be a great time to slow down and spend some quality time with self and nature.


Cultivating the mind. Catch up on reading those books that you have been meaning to read, or take the opportunity to start on any creative side projects you’ve been dreaming up. Regulate your healing response with restful alertness through meditation. Awaken the power of hope within you by focusing on this vibration as you meditate.

“Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space. Invite one to stay.” ~ Maya Angelou. 

Often, we spend much time living in the mind, where anxiety, stress, and what-ifs can run rampant. Take a step back and acknowledge all thoughts as a loving observer, rather than allowing yourself to get wrapped up in the constant waves. Find your stillness and reach into the core of your being to find peace. 


Reconnecting to Source. In challenging times, it is natural to feel lost and confused. That’s okay, and we want to honor all feelings, but also know that they are impermanent. Feelings will always come up, that’s part of human nature. We can, however, change the way we react to them. The way out, as they say, is the way in. Trade survival emotions like fear, anxiety, stress, pain, suffering, anger for more elevated and heart centered emotions like love, compassion, kindness, gratitude and appreciation. Instead of focusing on situations of lack, such as “I can’t see my friends” or “I feel trapped and can’t go anywhere,” you have the power to flip the script to situations of abundance such as “I am thankful for technology so I can stay connected with loved ones” and “I am thankful to use this extra time to take better care of my self and my home, and to reassess what truly matters to me.” Changing your mood from these emotions of low frequencies to emotions of higher frequencies help release immunoglobulin A, which is our body’s primary defense against virus and bacteria. Breaking out of the stress response by elevating our mood allows the body to shift from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic system, promoting relaxation and healing.


Cultivate love. Choose to live with intentions of gratitude, compassion, and kindness and allow that to radiate through all of your interactions and communications. Live in your truth and be thankful to all those that share theirs with you. Be unconditionally loving and accepting of where others are at, while maintaining your personal power and truth. Let love win. Be generous with your affection and support for those who need you.  Be fluid and accepting with where you’re at, too. And most of all, be present, self-aware, and always with the intention of growth towards your highest alignment.


When life hands us unexpected challenging situations, trying to find an answer to why it is happening is almost impossible and can bring about endless rumination. What’s more important and productive is determining how to move through the situation at hand and choosing to grow from it, rather than getting stuck on the fact it is happening. What will come out of this experience and who will you become when this is all over? The beauty is that the choice is yours. You always have the power and the tools within to decide and to take action. You are in control of who you are and why. Having a purpose helps anchor us in a time of unsteadiness and unease. It gives us hope and motivation to move forward, one day a time.

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” ~ Friedrich Nietzche

~ Remote Sessions ~

What is your “why?” Some of my personal why’s: to inspire people to live a healthier life; to help those who need healing; to be more present and deeply connected to the ones I love. The “how” we get through this is clear: together — as a community. I am so grateful to all of you for being part of my community. Know that I am here to support and serve you. I now offer remote sessions in mat pilates, yoga, and energy work.

~ Biofeedback ~

Biofeedback can be transformed into an energy work, just like reiki, and can be performed from a distance. If you are interested in remote energy work, or wish to schedule a physical biofeedback session in the future, let me know. 

Check out this video to learn about how biofeedback can help with stress relief (note that it is a bit outdated and the device we use now is much more sophisticated):

Click for Biofeedback Overview

It feels so long ago but just last month I was in FL to attend a course on Gyrotonic® for High Level Athletes with Angela Crowley. Check out her article on how and why athletes can benefit from Gyrotonic® training:

Click for Gyrotonic Article

I look forward to practicing these new movements with some of you when it's healthy for us to meet again at my studio. In the meantime, let’s take good care of ourselves and stay well.